Our Lady of Guadalupe Church - Online Giving


Thank you for giving online to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.  Please fill in the fields below.  Please note that you can give using a credit card or ACH Bank Transfer.  You can specify which account you are contributing to (default is the Sunday Collection), or split your offering across several accounts.  You can also set up a recurring offering, such as weekly or monthly. 


Instructions for Mass Intentions and Novenas

If you wish to schedule a Mass Intention, or enroll names in the All Souls, Mother's Day, or Father's Day novenas, please choose the appropriate account from the drop-down list, and specify the name or intention in the “Comments” field.  Indicate if the person is living (L) or deceased (+).  The office will follow up with you to confirm the Mass date, or prepare the appropriate novena envelope to include the names on the altar.  


Instructions for Raffle Tickets

If you wish to purchase raffle tickets for the Fall Festival ($5 each, or 5 for $20), please click here for the Megafestival Form.  



Our Lady of Guadalupe Church - Online Giving


Thank you for giving online to Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish.  Please fill in the fields below.  Please note that you can give using a credit card or ACH Bank Transfer.  You can specify which account you are contributing to (default is the Sunday Collection), or split your offering across several accounts.  You can also set up a recurring offering, such as weekly or monthly. 


Instructions for Mass Intentions and Novenas

If you wish to schedule a Mass Intention, or enroll names in the All Souls, Mother's Day, or Father's Day novenas, please choose the appropriate account from the drop-down list, and specify the name or intention in the “Comments” field.  Indicate if the person is living (L) or deceased (+).  The office will follow up with you to confirm the Mass date, or prepare the appropriate novena envelope to include the names on the altar.  


Instructions for Raffle Tickets

If you wish to purchase raffle tickets for the Fall Festival ($5 each, or 5 for $20), please click here for the Megafestival Form.  



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Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
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The fee would be for an ACH bank transfer.

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